List of Everyone Who Says He's a Marine Surveyor In Ontario (pretty much)

Surveyors often have acronyms or titles after their names, some are self invented, some are irrelevant , some can be purchased and some are genuinely earned. There are several surveyors on this list who claim to be Accredited (SAMSŪ) and/or Certified (NAMS). Check the SAMSŪ and NAMS® rosters to be sure of who you are dealing with. Some surveyors on this list also claim certification and accreditation by organizations that neither accredit nor certify marine surveyors and some claim to be "licensed" when there is no such thing. Several claim to be "Master Marine Surveyors", "Internationally Accredited" and "Internationally Certified " and a host of other titles .... Thoroughly check out every qualification claimed. Many of the organizations cited do not even offer certification or accreditation. If imagined qualifications are their standard of integrity, where else will they fall short.

Few on this list have made the commitment to their profession by working their way through the 5 year SAMSŪ program to full Accreditation. When I first put this list together in 2003 I found only 48 marine surveyors in Ontario and now list about 250. I know there are even more out there because I keep hearing new names but it is a moving target as the fly-by-nighters come and go. I think it's growing so rapidly because it's such an easy business to get into and believe it or not most insurance companies will accept reports from anyone who had the $50.00 for business cards. Don't believe me ? Take a look at some of these atrocious marine survey reports they did accept.

Listed below are first, all members of the Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors® in Ontario and then those who are not members of the Society.

For our American Clients, be aware that Boat US will accept survey reports from any SAMS AMS® and may not accept others.

Societyof Accredited Marine Surveyors®
in Ontario
Location SAMSŪ
BoatUSŪ Approved Transport Canada Tonnage Surveyor Licensed Master Sample survey reports on website Fees'
on website
Aslin Boat Surveys, Chris Aslin, 416-830-3570 Toronto AMS YES - - - - YES
Behring Yacht Surveys, Norm Behring 905-321-8817 Niagara SA YES - - - - YES
Blue Water Marine Services, Geoff Wright Toronto AMS YES - - - - -
Blue Water Marine Surveys, George Bridle Rosseau AMS YES - - - - -
Buchanan Marine Appraisal Services, Cameron Buchanan Orillia SA YES - - - - -
Buchanan Marine Appraisal Services, David Buchanan AMSŪ Orillia AMSŪ YES YES - - - -
Ian White AMS® , 613 - 483 - 0393 ,Trenton, Gananoque, Kingston Kingston AMSŪ YES YES - - - -
John Vander Perk AMS®, 905 - 468 - 2814 Niagara AMSŪ YES YES - - - -
Kelsey Marine Surveying, G. Kelsey AMSŪ, 613 - 498 - 1648 Brockville AMSŪ - YES - - - -
Nicole McLoughlin AMS, 416 - 629 - 1283 Pickering AMSŪ - YES - - - -
Marine Survey & Services Ltd. Darin Kennedy 705-955-3757 Penetanguishene SA YES - - - YES YES
Marine Surveys Canada Minesing SA - - - - YES -
Murrays Marine Surveying , Murray Willits AMSŪ, 519 - 670 - 0183 Grand Bend AMSŪ - YES - - - -
Retired SAMS® Accredited Marine Surveyors and ABYC® Certified members who have retired from those organizations but still practice on a part time basis
Port Credit Marine Surveys, Wallace Gouk AMSŪ Port Credit to Kingston Port Credit AMSŪRet'd Ret'd YES Ret'd Ret'd YES YES
SWL Consultants, Stephen Leake AMSŪ, 613 - 258 - 9953 Ottawa AMSŪRet'd - - - - - -
Those listed below are not members of the Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors®
AA Surveys, Gary Ainsworth, 519 - 426 - 6469 Simcoe - - - - - - -
Able Yachtpro Marine Services, Alan Adelkind, 416 - 884 - 0639 Toronto - - - - - - -
Above Board Marine Surveys Brian Colby, 905 - 717 - 3448 Aurora - - - - - - -
Accredited Marine Surveying, Greg Stage, 519 - 852 - 4494 London - - - - - - -
Accredited Marine Surveying Company, David Grainge, 905 - 932 - 2215 Niagara Falls - - - - - - -
Anchor Marine Surveyors & Auto Wholesalers, 905 - 523 - 8889 Toronto - - - - - - -
Andrei Sokolski, Marine Surveyor, 905 -975 - 0821 Oakville - - - - - - -
Anchors Away Accredited Marine Surveyors, 519 - 751 - 0625 Simcoe - - - - - - -
All Points Yacht Surveys, 416 - 793 - 7651 Toronto - - - - - - -
Apex Marine Surveyors, 905 - 858 - 2563 Mississauga - - - - - - -
Bain Parfitt, 519-376-3443 Owen Sound - - - - - - -
Baker & Company, 905-820-3120 Mississauga - - - - - - -
Barrie Marine Surveyors & Appraisers ACMS, Certified Marine Surveyor Barrie - - - - - - -
Barry Lovett, 613 - 739 - 1290 Ottawa - - - - - - -
Barry Shepherd, 905 - 631 - 9420 Burlington - - - - - - -
Baxter Marine Services, Brian Baxter, 519 - 941 - 5627 Orangeville - - - - - - -
Bennets Marine Service (807 - 543 - 2163) McKenzie Is. - - - - - - -
Bickers & Associates, Roger Bickers, 800 - 361 - 2051 Toronto - - - - - - -
Bill Fensel, 905 - 844 - 8191 Oakville - - - - - - -
Bill Welten CMMS, 519 - 671 - 0674 London - - - - - - -
Bishop Marine Surveys, Adam Bishop Toronto - - - - - - -
Blue Peter Marine Services, Chris Holder, 613-471-2007 Cherry Valley - - - - - - -
Blue Matter Marine Consulting, Mustafa Aksut Bath - - - - - - -
Boat Canada Loss Surveyors, Carlos Romao, 519 - 652 - 8778 London - - - - - - -
Boatman Nautical Services, Mark Bird, 416 - 460 -1252 Toronto - - - - - - -
Bow To Stern Surveys Toronto - - - - - - -
Brad Boyce, 905 - 278 - 4805 Mississauga - - - - - - -
Broadpulse Corp, 519 - 893 - 5852 Waterloo - - - - - - -
Canadian Marine Services #1, Ron Lantanville, 705 - 526 - 3804 Midland - - - - - - -
Canadian Marine Services #2 Mike Kalynko, 905 - 571 - 1045 Toronto - - - - - - YES
Canadian Marine Services #3 Rick Lister, 905 - 435 - 0954 Toronto - - - - - - YES
Captains Choice Marine Services, Richard Hutchings, ACMS, CMS Orillia - - - - - - -
Champion Ship Marine Surveys, Dave Elsey 905 - 319 - 0723 Burlington - YES YES - - YES -
Charthoude Marine , 705 - 728 - 1394 Barrie - - - - - - -
Clarke Adjusters and Marine Surveyors, William Clarke 1 - 866 - 275 - 2043 Stratford - - - - - - -
Cliff's Marine Surveying, Cliff Munday, 519 570 6520 Kitchener - - - - - - -
C & M Marine, Chris Thatcher , 519 - 878 - 4141 Bayfield - - - - - - -
Coastwise Management, Edward O'Connor St Catharines - - - - - - -
Cooks Bay Marina, Gilford - - - - - - -
Continental Marine Surveys, 905 - 847 - 2626 Oakville - - - - - - -
Crawford and Company, Roland Paxton Toronto - - - - - - -
Crawford and Company, Geoff Sullivan Toronto - - - - - - -
Crawford and Company, Frazer McGruer Owen Sound - - - - - - -
Crawford and Company, Park McKay Thunder Bay - - - - - - -
Crawford and Company, Lawrence Rennie ACMS, CMS Toronto - - - - - - -
C.R. Butler Marine Surveys (705 - 484 - 1441) Brechin - - - - - - -
Cunningham & Lindsey, Robert Smith, 905 - 528 - 1481 Hamilton - - - - - - -
Cunningham & Lindsey, Jason White, 1 - 888 - 877 - 9070 Thunder Bay - - - - - - -
Cunningham & Lindsey, John Seyler, 519 - 245 - 8373 Strathroy - - - - - - -
Cunningham & Lindsey, Joel McQuilkin Burlington - - - - - - -
Cunningham & Lindsey, Waclaw Kuza, ACMS CMS Toronto - - - - - - -
Curtis Marine Services, David Curtis, 705 - 687 - 5217 Gravenhurst - - - - - - -
Czinkota Engineering Services, 807 - 622 - 5464 Thunderbay - - - - - - -
Dan Madore, 3361 Adjala - Tecumseh town line Beeton - - - - - - -
D. E. Furnis, 905 - 839 - 3502 Oshawa - - - - - - -
Dennis Snider, 807 - 623 - 8457 Thunder Bay - - - - - - -
D. H. Philip Burlington - - - - - - -
Digby J. & Co. Ltd. , 905 - 459 - 1630 Brampton - - - - - - -
DunRite Systems, Joseph Vrana Rosneath - - - - - - -
Durham Consulting & Appraisals Ajax - - - - - - -
Capt. Edward Wojtecki 905 - 938 - 3617 St Catharines - - - - - - -
Ecarte Marine Bradley C. McDonell Certified Marine Surveyor Port Lambton - - - - - - -
Edward O'Connor St Catharines - - - - - - -
Errol Pinto, 416 - 499 - 9950 Toronto - - - - - - -
Frank Dauw , 519 - 351 - 2214 Chatham - - - - - - -
Gallant Marine Survey, Blair Gallant, 613 - 620 - 1576 Belleville - - - - - - -
Gallant Marine Survey, Danny Gallant, 613 - 620 - 1576 Belleville - - - - - - -
Gary Taylor, 905 - 729 - 3970 Beeton - - - - - - -
Gailforce Marine, Perry Aabo Holland Ldg - - - - - - -
Geoff Meakin, 905 - 284 - 7754 Mississauga - - - - - - -
George Raad, 519 - 966 - 0184 Windsor - - - - - - -
Georgian Bay Marina Inc. Jeff Beitz Parry Sound - - - - - - -
Gert Tiel , 905 - 469 - 2517 Niagara - - - - - - -
Gill Bibby Boat Building Master Marine Surveyor Hamilton - - - - - - -
Gil Fleming Yacht Design Sarnia - - - - - - -
Godfrey Marine Survey, Adam Godfrey, 519 - 676 - 7421 Innisfil - - - - - - -
Gray Marine Services, Donald Gray, 705 - 368 - 3704 Cedar Sprng - - - - - - -
Gray Marine Services, Donald Gray, 705 - 368 - 3704 Little Current - - - - - - -
Granite Claims Solutions - Bill Provis Toronto - - - - - - -
Granite Claims Solutions - Gregory Fernandes Burlington - - - - - - -
Granite Claims Solutions - Bill Gaudette St Catharines - - - - - - -
Granite Claims Solutions - Jason Credone Tornto - - - - - - -
Granite Claims Solutions - Jason Trudeau Penetang - - - - - - -
Granite Claims Solutions - Joe Trudeau Midland - - - - - - -
Granite Claims Solutions - Mark Thompson Toronto - - - - - - -
Granite Claims Solutions - Matthew Wrenzel Scarborough - - - - - - -
Granite Claims Solutions - Mel Fernandes Mississauga - - - - - - -
Granite Claims Solutions - Roger BIckers Mississauga - - - - - - -
Granite Claims Solutions - Zarir Daruwalla Mississauga - - - - - - -
Granite Claims Solutions - Richard Cordell Mississauga - - - - - - -
Gregory Scott, Marine Surveys and Home inspections Kingston - - - - - - -
Great Lakes Marine Surveying Bradley C. McDonell, 1 - 866 - 361 - 8104 Amherstburg - - - - - - -
Great Lakes Marine Surveys Master Marine Surveyor, Tom Letourno Sarnia - - - - - - -
Great Lakes Yacht Services, Ralph Ruffo, 705 - 760 - 4818 Toronto - - - - - - -
Greene Turtle Services, Master Marine Surveyor, Ted Greene Toronto - YES - - YES - YES
GTAappraisals, 647-678-2886 Toronto - - - - - - -
Harry Keyes, 613 - 774 - 2021 Winchester - - - - - - -
Hayes Marine Consulting, Kevin, Hayes, 613-612-4472 Arnprior - - - - - - -
Hayes Stuart Inc. Toronto - - - - - - -
Ian MacKimmie, Sail Marine Consulting, 905-627-3052 Dundas - - - - - - -
Inland Marine Surveyors, Richard Embleton, 519 - 793 - 4265 Lionshead - - - - - - -
International Marine Surveys Ltd. , M. Talwar, 905 - 822 - 5040 Mississauga - - - - - - -
James Kozak, 705 - 946 - 2519 S. St. Marie - - - - - - -
Jason Deering, Master Marine Surveyor. 705 - 326 - 1322 Orillia - - - - - - -
Jim Wayciik, 705 - 949 - 4953 S.St. Marie - - - - - - -
John Andres, 905 - 262 - 4595 Niagara - - - - - - -
J S Marine, Joel Speake, 519 - 426 - 7316 Port Franks - - - - - - -
Ken Potter, 613 - 259 - 3242 Lanark - - - - - - -
Kilpatrick Boat Repairs / Marine Surveyors, 519 - 371 - 0018 Owen Sound - - - - - - -
Lakeshore Marine Surveys, Master Marine Surveyor, S. Kovacevic, 519-944-9588 Windsor - - - - - - -
Larry Flood, 416 - 759 - 3388, Certified Marine Engineer Toronto - - - - - - -
Lepage, Bob - - - - - - - -
Lightning Marine Surveyors, John Andres, 905 - 262 - 4595 Niagara - - - - - - -
Lott Boatworks, John Lott Toronto - - - - - - -
Manton Yacht Services, Dave Manton, 613 - 828 - 2444 Ottawa - - - - - - -
Marine Insurance Service, Michael Downer, IIC,OMSA, ABYC, IAMI Midland - - - - - - YES
Marine Craft Survey, Vitaliy Kulesh Whitby - - - - - - -
Marine Safety Consultants, 613 - 834 - 9691 Ottawa - - - - - - -
Marine Specialty Reports, 519 - 751 - 0625 Brantford - - - - - - -
Marine Support on Line Joe Berta Newmarket - - - - - - -
Marine Surveys Canada , Tim Martin Toronto - - - - - - YES
Marine Survey and Services, 905 - 682 - 4201 St Catharines - - - - - - -
Marine Surveying Consulting & Design, 613 - 836 - 0013 Ottawa - - - - - - -
Marine Surveyors and Consultant, M. Horgan, 905 - 227 - 7388 St Catharines - - - - - - -
Mason Marine Surveys, Patrick Mason, 519 - 565 - 5995 S. St. Marie - - - - - - -
Master Marine Services, Jay Suri, 905 - 858 - 2563 Mississauga - - - - - - -
M. Bolton Marine Surveys, Mike Bolton, 613 - 476 - 1903 Picton - - - - - - -
Mel Barkwill (905) 767-5424 Whitby - - - - - - -
MG Marine Consultants, 905 - 464 - 1949 Oakville - - - YES - - -
Michael Erland Marine Surveys, 613 - 836 - 0013 Trenton - - - - - - -
Misty Bay Boatworks, Neil Armstrong, 905 - 606 - 0380 Mississauga - - - - - - -
M. J. Residential Millwork & Surveyors, M.Judd, 905 - 825 - 5518 Oakville - - - - - YES -
MSI Marine Surveys International, S.Pedersen, 416 - 407 - 9021 Toronto - - - - - - -
Muddy Shores Marine Surveyor, 226 - 936-1892 Kingsville - - - - - - -
Nautilus Marine Surveys, 905 - 614 - 1717 Mississauga - - - - - - -
NavStar Marine Consultant , Robert Gleason, 519 - 733 - 4737 Kingsville - - - - - - -
Niagara Appraisal Services, Joe Ford 905 - 356 - 4785 Niagara Falls - - - - - - -
Nikolas Lintunen, CACMS, Accredited, Certified Marine Surveyor Windsor - - - - - - -
N.M.S. Marine Surveying, 905 - 428-3250 Pickering - - - - - - -
North American Marine Inc., 905 - 682-4515 St.Catharines - - - - - - -
North Shore Marine Services, 905 - 844 - 8191 Oakville - - - - - - -
North Shore Surveys , Scott Campbell Blind River - - - - - - -
North Star Marine Consulring, Harley Pole, 519 - 426 - 4767 Simcoe - - - - - - -
Northern Marine Services, Ian Jamieson, 905 - 428 - 3250 Pickering - - - - - - -
Northern Yacht Ltd., D.E.Furnis, 905 - 420 - 8869 - - - - - - - -
Oddsocks Marine Surveyors, lloyd Hiscock - - - - - - - -
Offshore Marine, 519 - 730 - 1104 Amherstburg - - - - - - -
Ontario Marine Surveys, Ron Rundle, 905 - 531 - 9258 Orillia Yes - - - - - -
Ontario Marine Surveys, Krista Neilly, 613-223-0285 - Yes - - - - - -
Ontario Marine Surveys, Erik Teicht 416-994-7192 - Yes - - - - - -
Ontario Marine Services, Dan Rankin, 905 - 244 - 1269 - Yes - - - - - -
Optimum Marine Surveys, Michel Hebert , 613 - 868 - 0017 Stittsville - - - - - - -
Park Surveys Ltd, William Park, 905 - 812 - 2944 Mississauga - - - - - - -
Patrick Mason, 519 - 256 - 0510 Bayfield - - - - - - -
Paul Cairoli, 705 - 435 - 2839, Master Marine Surveyor Alliston - - - - - - -
PCS Marine Technologies Inc., CIME, AWS, CWA, Master Marine Surveyor Ottawa - - - - - - -
PCS Marine Technologies Inc., Pat Kearney Ottawa - - - - - - -
Pinetree Marine Surveys & Services, 705 - 326 - 1049 Orillia - - - - - - -
Pleasure Craft Surveys, Dennis Snider, 807 - 623 - 8457 Thunderbay - - - - - - -
PNG Electronics & Marine, Chris Cayely Oakville - Yes - - - - -
Precision Yacht Surveys, Tim Jones, 905 - 274 - 0111 Mississauga - - - - - - -
QC Yacht Marine Surveyors, Donald Roe Toronto - - - - - - YES
QC Yacht Marine Surveyors, Stephen Scott Toronto - - - - - - YES
QC Yacht Marine Surveyors, Graham Parson Toronto - - - - - - -
QC Yacht Marine Surveyors, Paul Eisfeld Kingston - - - - - - -
QC Yacht Marine Surveyors, Bill Clark Toronto - - - - - - -
Quick Launch Marine Surveys, Bill Clarke, 519 - 270 - 4949 Port Elgin - - - - - - -
Quinte Marine Surveys, Michel Goudeseune Brighton - - - - - - -
Raft Marine Surveys & Appraisals, 613 - 330 - 3076 Cornwall - - - - - - -
R.A.R. Industries, Bob Richter, 705 - 669 - 7811 - - - - - - - -
Rakon Marine Surveyors, Barry Goodyear Innisfil - - - - - - -
R.C. Johnson, NA and Marine Surveyor, 905 - 468 - 2859 Niagara - - - - - - -
R.M.E.S. Trevor Downing, 705 - 728 - 2519 Barrie - - - - - - -
Recreational Yachting Services, Gord Cameron Ridgeway - - - - - - -
Rick Bott, Ashbridges Bay Yacht Club Toronto - - - - - - -
Richard Darcourt , 613 - 345 - 5073 Brockville - - - - - - -
Richard Trainor, ACMS, CMS, Internationally Certified and Accredited Inverary - YES - YES - - YES
Richard Hulst Thunderbay - - - - - - -
Robert Van Wyk , 519 - 734 - 7058 LaSalle - - - - - - YES
Rose Point Marina Parry Sound - - - - - - -
Safeway Marine Surveys, Ken Skinner, 519-576-6368 Kitchener - - - - - - -
Said Nassif, 613 - 790 - 7260 Ottawa - - - - - - -
Sailors for Sailors Yacht Services, C. Haythornewaite, 416 - 651 - 8184 Toronto - - - - - - -
Sandpiper Marine Sevices, Greg Piper, 519 - 583 - 2686 Port Dover - - - - - - -
Seabreeze Services, John Dickout, 905 - 935 - 2374 St Catharines - - - - - - -
Sea Monkey Marine Surveys,, (seasonal) Manitoulin - - - - - - -
SeaPont Marine Surveyors & Adjusters Inc. Brampton - - - - - - -
Sea Shell Services, Dennis Angle Grimsby - - - - - - -
Seaway Marine Services, John Aikenhead Chatham - - - - - - -
SCS Insurance Adjusters Inc. , Park McKay, 807 - 345 - 7730 Thunder Bay - - - - - - -
Shaw Marine Services, Patrick Shaw, 905 - 691 - 6343 Georgetown - - - - - - -
Ship's Ahoy Marine Ltd. St.Thomas - - - - - - -
Simcoe Marine Surveys, Steve Hayward, 705 -790 - 1076 Minesing - - - - - - -
Skippers Choice, Bob Wood, 519 - 532 - 4676 - - - - - - - -
Swiftsure Marine Surveyors, Raymond Toth Consecon - YES - - - - -
Swiftsure Marine Surveyors, Mark Austin Consecon - YES - - - - -
St. Christopher Surveyors, Georges Raad, 519 - 966 - 0184 Windsor - - - - - - -
Talspar Marine Services, Leo Reise, 905 - 536 - 0145, Retired. Hamilton - - - - - - -
TDC Playground Inspections and Marine Surveys of the highest order Windsor - - - - - - -
Ted Jenkins Brockville - - - - - - -
Terry Gillespie, 905 - 855 - 1117 Kingston - - - - - - -
Terry Scott - - - - - - - -
T.J. Marine Surveyors, Terry Hannon, 905 - 473 - 9558 Mount Albert - - - - - - -
Todd Summers, 905 - 775 - 7753, Bradford - - - - - - -
Tom Morand, (519) 259-8755 Windsor - - - - - - -
Top Offshore Surveying, Daryll Armstrong, 705 - 326 - 8263 Orillia - - - - - - -
Toronto Harbour Yachts, C. Dodero, 416 - 203 - 7796 Toronto - - - - - - -
Toronto Yacht Survey, Kristjan van Wissen, 647- 771-7245 Toronto - - - - - - -
Trevor Downing, 705 -728 - 7459 Barrie - - - - - - -
True North Marine Surveyors & Adjusters Mississauga - - - - - - -
TSR/LO Marine Surveys Ltd. R. Gumbinger, 905 - 885 - 6963 Port Hope - - - - - - -
Tuuli Marine Surveys, James Porter, 416 - 667 - 8817 Mississauga - - - - - - -
Uli Ertel, Boat storage & surveys, Pier 25 ,416 - 832 - 9199 Toronto - - - - - - -
Venture Sail, William Henry Port Hope - - - - - - -
Victor Boxall, 905 - 682 - 0243 Toronto - - - - - - -
W. Graham, 905 - 682 - 9489 St.Catharines - - - - - - -
Walter Davis - - - - - - - -
Waclaw Kuza (Capt.) Marine Surveys & Services, 905 - 997 - 1003 Oakville - - - - - - -
Whitman Campbell, 416 - 282 - 9126 Toronto - - - - - - -
William R. Sullivan, 905 - 984 - 0026 St Catharines - - - - - - -
Yacht Survey Inc. Geoff Archbold, 905 - 271 - 0210 Mississauga - - - - - - -
Yacht Appraisal Associates Inc., R. Gilbert Oakville - - - - - - -
Yachtsman Marine Services, Scott Hayley, 613 - 831 - 8600 Kanata - - - - - - -
Yachtsman Marine Surveys, John Gow, 416 - 239 - 7880 Toronto - - - - - - -
42nd Latitude Marine Surveys, D. McInnis, 519 - 782 - 4729 Port Stanley - - - - - - -
- Location SAMS®
on website
It is quite difficult to keep this page up to date. If you know of any new surveyors entering the business in Ontario or a change in status of a currently listed surveyor please drop me a note and I will update the page. - Thanks

Found your marine surveyor ? Now try these "10 QuestionsTo Help Find The Right Marine Surveyor For You"

You may also want to consider how some of these people became marine surveyors in "How to Become A Marine Surveyor"