Sharon Snow Gouk is obsessive about her painting. She spends a lot of time with her paints (and a glass of wine) at anchor, beaches or small towns ... wherever we happen to be. These are a few of my favourites out of hundreds. I will periodically add to this page as my Sharon continues to create.

From our Erie Canal travels

Our favourite dock master, Rob Peek of the Dismal Swamp

This one hangs in our pilot house

Message in a bottle

Walrus and the bean

JJust a dog Sharon saw

The fishermen

MManjack Cay Turtle

Dandelion rainbow

Golden dog

This one hangs in our saloon

DIRT FREE anchored at Cape May

A Cuddy Christmas

Jaguar XKE

Chief in Beaufort NC



Tranquil child


A very small section of the life size bronze Oklahoma Land Rush momument

65' Mustang

Flowers in cut glass

For our Ukranian friends

Blue barn

Sharons favourite bird

Wallace's favourite Triumph

Trent Port Marina

John the kayak man

This This one hangs in our saloon

TThis one is in our guest bunk

Port Credit Yacht Club

Sandy Hook, New Jersey marsh

New Orleans mule

A Matches Christmas

PPCYC house cat ... Miss Piggy

Mary Ann

New Orleans musician

Two dogs

Stella at Jamaica Bay

Never saw the Beatles but we did see Ringo and his all-Star Band at Massey Hall. One of the best shows we've ever seen. Sharon came home and did these.
More to come :)